

MT Projects in our Working Group

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Ongoing MT projects


DEMITZ - Mexico - DFG

DEMITZ - Mexico - DFG

30.07.2011 14:00 Uhr

Magmatic Systems/Tectonics/Geodynamics

Mid-to-Deep-crustal Electromagnetic Investigation of Tepic–Zacoalco Rift (DEMITZ) – Exploring Magmatic Systems and Electrical Anisotropy in Western Mexico

Continuing with the research and following the exciting results obtained from Philip Hering's doctoral thesis, the regional magnetotelluric (MT) exploration of the Tepic-Zacoalco Rift (TZR), Mexico will be carried out.

Around 64 broadband MT stations and 16 long-period MT stations will be installed to obtain a regional resistivity model, characterize the deep tectonic structure of the TZR, and evaluate the spatial distribution of the proposed anisotropy for the Ceboruco volcano.

Goal: Understand the complex tectonic interaction between Jalisco Block and the North American plate along the NW portion of the Tepic-Zacoalco Rift using the Magnetotelluric Method to characterize conductivity anomalies in the crust and upper mantle

Zagros - Iran - DFG

Zagros - Iran - DFG

30.07.2011 14:00 Uhr

Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (GU Frankfurt - WWU Münster)

Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (GU Frankfurt - WWU Münster)

30.07.2011 14:00 Uhr

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

GOLETA - Antartica (GU Frankfurt - Universidad de Granada)

GOLETA - Antartica (GU Frankfurt - Universidad de Granada)

30.07.2011 14:00 Uhr

Lorem ipsum dolor sit